Matchbox Garden & Seed Co.

Posts Tagged ‘Edible Forest

Looking Forward, Making Plans

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A few items included in our CSA. From left to right: Mixed baby beets – Golden, Chioggia, Detroit Dark Red, Sumter Cucumber, Cocozelle Zucchini.

As some of you may already know, this is our first your on our very own farm. It can be safely assumed that I am over the moon at finally having a farm to call home, to nurture and grow. Since we moved in, I’ve been busy designing and prepping an array of gardens from perennial flowers, herbs, edible forest and annual vegetables. As I plan the short and long term gardens, I have to balance business growth with whole farm health and sustainability. Some may find this challenging (and it is!), but I also find it tremendously enjoyable. Taking a moment to look around and observe the insect and bird life, the slope of the hills and run of the water, the structure of the soil, direction of the wind. These are just a few of the natural points that should be considered when placing and planning any garden, no matter how big or small. To that end, I am working to create a “fence” of edible forest around the perimeter of our property that includes fruit trees, berry bushes, herbs, flowers, and small crop trial plots. My hope is that this “fence” will encourage more bird and insect life, provide some protection against winds and help prevent future erosion. Eventually the crops grown in this area will be available at market as well as in our CSA. If I’m very lucky (and keen!), I may even make cuttings and splits available for gardeners in upcoming springs, and this brings us back to finding balance….always the challenge.

In previous years Matchbox has focused  more on food production as opposed to seed production. This year we’re changing that focus. In an effort to improve to food quality, we will only be participating in one market, Trinity Bellwoods Farmers Market. In past years we have had a large CSA(Community Supported Agriculture/Weekly Veggie Box), but this year will see a small CSA program servicing only 15 members. When we are not harvesting and bring food to our fantastic customers, seed production will be the focus. My hope is to add 20 new herb, vegetable and flower varieties to next years seed catalogue, keep your fingers crossed! 

For our market and CSA, I have added a number of new items for this year. Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes, new tomatoes and peppers, cauliflower, romanesco broccoli, pears and fresh cut flowers. There will be some other new items that will show up from time to time depending on their success in the garden. With smaller acreage and fewer markets to attend, CSA members will receive the best vegetables and herbs from the garden. 


Sweet Gale Small Mixed Bouquet

This year we are also promoting a CSA program for Sweet Gale Gardens, a local flower farm operating at Downsview Park as a member farmer with Fresh City Farms. Jessica Gale is a passionate flower gardener and she hopes to bring her lovely mixed bouquets to new customers through her CSA as well as her presence in my booth at Trinity Bellwoods Farmers Market. I hope that if you love fresh cut flowers and live in the area, that you will support this new farmer and her business as she produces flowers using organic methods.

As we inch closer to spring, my gardening itch is getting louder and I can’t wait to see what this season will bring. Stay posted for lots of pictures, variety updates for what you will find at market and in our CSA, fall greenhouse plans, and new perennial garden builds. A little sneak peak for all you avid gardeners out there…….A series of wavy gardens along the roadside, a sloping edible forest garden with Cherry trees, asparagus stands and perennial herb beds, strawberry garden, perennial flowers beds running the 200 ft length of our lane way boasting rhubarb, echinacea, california poppies and soooo much more. I hope you stay tuned to the journey of our first season and beyond as Matchbox settles into our home. Happy growing!!